Tuesday 10 July 2012

Lenny's pet hates (and I don't mean craig)

Hey my loyal readers! Lenny Bingle here, just being my usual hellman self. This post is entitled 'Lenny's pet hates (and I don't mean craig)' thus i will be discussing my pet hates (just letting new readers know that craig is my naked mole rat who i love more than my children, but not myself).

In this post I will really only be discussing one pet hate. I am guessing that a majority of my readers wouldn't live in my home town in Germany so I'm going to discuss a more global pet hate, which I'm sure will speak to all my readers...

You've just been walking around the city and your ready to progress from one block to the next to eventually make your way to your final destination. You come to the empty kerb and you press the pedestrian button to ensure the cars will stop and it will be safe to cross, while you are waiting there a few other people join you on your wait. They know you have pressed the button as you were there waiting before them, however one member of the public decides to come up beside you and press the button again... This for me is a pet hate that i feel very strongly about.

Obviously I have pressed the button, I'm not just waiting by the side of the kerb without first preparing the on coming traffic and basically watching the traffic pass by. Come on have some intuition and trust other people in the street!

This pet hate developed mainly when i was living with my ex wife in sydney, now that i live my life alone in Germany this pet hate has decreased...

Keep reading my blog guys... i love making posts...

Being Lenny Bingle.
NOTE: Bingle is not my last name its Aznavourian.

Sunday 1 July 2012

This is me!

I've been getting a lot of emails and things saying everyone wants to see the real me, my profile picture is my mole rat called 'Craig' but this is Lenny Bingle

Rate me out of 10, im feeling in secure.

Being Lenny Bingle
NOTE: Bingle is not my actual last name its Aznavourian.

Lip Hickey!

Did he suck on your lip? If so, he could have broken a blood vessel, and it is a lot like a hickey! I'm sure you'll be fine, dont worry about it!

Phew! I just gave my first lip hickey last night to a fine shella i picked up at the local, i was worried she wouldnt be into it but then i just went for it and i think she was really into Lenny. 

I don't have a mobile, so i gave her this link so hopefully she'll see this post and understand that i meant no actual harm to her, its just i haven't got any action of late apart from my ex wife and she loved the hard snm stuff and lip biting was a must. 

So bit of advice for all you single guys and even gals out there, lip biting is a must!!! the chicks dig it! its like i've always said 'a lip hickey on a chick, and she'll do it on your dick'

Being Lenny Bingle
NOTE: Bingle is not my last name its Aznavourian.

'I Fucking hate the Spice Girls'

So tell me what you want what you really really want... Ill tell you what I want; scary, baby, posh, sporty and of course bloody ginger, I want all of you bitches to get the hell out of this hellman's life.

Let me start with scary... I am sick of hearing about you on Jenny Craig. Yes you lost all the weight, yes you look better, but no it has not made my respect for you grow. You may have lost all the weight, but you definately lost my respect. This is one hellman who is no longer scared by "scary" spice.

Baby... for gods sake your a grown women!!!! Pigtails are not cute and to be honest they were never cute, i never let my daughter have pigtails when she was younger because pigtails are only for pigs!

Posh or as i like to call her gold digger. No way would the spice girls been able to earn that much money that she could be the style icon she supposably is. thus she married Mr Beckham, who i think is an absolute dream boat and the perfect catch (similar to myself).

Sporty... Where are you? If anyone knows about her current situation, comment below.

Finally we get to Ginger, who left half way and i must commend you on getting out of that hell hole before the others. Ginger or as i like to call her Ginge the minge, was the biggest myth when she was in that group- whether or not she contributed to the writing of the songs, she definately did contribute to the sound (which was shit house).

I heard along the grape vine that you girls are having a documenatry made about you... well guess what! I won't be coming to see that money waster, ill save my money and go and see 'What to expect when your expecting' or a classic german film.

Thats was Lenny's look on life...
Being Lenny Bingle
NOTE: Bingle is not my last name its Aznavourian.

Just Lenny...

Hello world, Lenny here bit nervous about my first post but hopefully you guys will enjoy what i have to say and keep reading...
To begin with here's a bit about me. Firstly I have a bitch of an ex wife, who won't get off my back about paying child support for my three butt ugly, ungrateful kids who im not even sure are mine (aint that the truth Kanye West). We married young and then she popped out 1 girl and twin boys, let me tell you they were mistakes. So i divorced the phsyco and moved to Germany to try and become Lenny again. 

I was homeschooled my whole life, and thus my career path isn't the best. I own my own online tool shop which sells both workman tools as well as adult tools... so check it out boys and girls. Living in Germany is bloody freezing and I spend my days when Im not snowed under with my online business, being a hellman and of course being Lenny. Im a crazy bastard of a hellman who heckles everyone, so watch out for me on Heindenbeg st. 

So here I am creating my first post :)

I hope everyone keeps reading as my next post is coming entitled 'I fucking hate the Spice Girls'

So thats what its like 'Being Lenny Bingle'
NOTE: My last name is not Bingle its Aznavourian.